The Weavers of Santo Tomás Jalieza


We met Doña Jobita at the markets held by the women weavers of the co-operative of Santo Tomás Jalieza. The co-operative was formed in the early 1960’s to bring families of the town to work together. All of the work and orders are divided evenly between all of the families ensuring that fair prices are maintained and every women is well paid for their time and skill. The artists produce traditional weaving using 100% cotton on the back strap loom. 

These women create clutch-style pouches, bags, belts, cushions and table runners. Traditional patterns and designs are used and maintained to keep the history and culture alive.


The technique of using a backstrap loom consists of securing an end of the loom to a tree or post and the other around the waist of the weaver, maintaining tension with the weight of their body. This is a pre-hispanic technique that continues to be used without change. The women are taught these skills from a very young age of 5 years old.

These women create clutch-style pouches, bags, belts, cushions and table runners. Traditional patterns and designs are used and maintained to keep the history and culture alive.




Products by The Weavers of Santo Tomás Jalieza